Дизайн студия Safronova | Design House

Our services

Solutions for your spaces: Design, Development, Landscape and Residential Complexes

Architectural design services are provided for commercial properties and residential real estate, both private and multi-storey. It is ordered when it is necessary to erect a building from scratch or to reconstruct it.


The result of architectural design is a holistic image of the future structure in the smallest detail, taking into account its design features, location of premises, appearance, etc.

A branch of design aimed at the interior of various premises (houses, apartments, cottages, offices and other residential or commercial buildings).


The purpose of interior design is to ensure comfort and harmonious interaction between people and their surroundings. The interior design is based on the principles of artistic and industrial design.

Landscape design is an art that is at the intersection of three directions: on the one hand, architecture, construction and design, on the other hand, botany and plant growing, and, on the third hand, information from the history of culture and philosophy is used in landscape design. In addition, landscape design refers to practical actions for landscaping and landscaping.


The main task of landscape design is to create harmony and beauty in combination with the convenience of using the infrastructure of buildings, smoothing out conflicts between urban forms and nature.

Fee development is a direction that implies that the company implementing the project is not its owner. She prepares the concept, selects the most profitable financing scheme, conducts economic analysis and manages construction. However, the fee developer does not invest his own funds in construction; he is responsible for quality with his remuneration and reputation. “When we say fee development, we clearly mean that this is a company that does not invest its own funds in the project, but works under an agreement with the investor”

Complex repair is a complex, labor-intensive and long-term process that requires extensive experience and high qualifications. The preliminary stage of a comprehensive renovation is the development of an engineering and construction project for redevelopment and a design plan for the future space. Before starting repair work, an agreement must be concluded with the organization, which specifies the responsibilities of the parties, the cost and list of all services, the deadline for their completion, the area and location of the premises.

О компании

Вдохновение и профессионализм в дизайне и архитектуре

Бюро SAFRONOVA PROJECT STUDIO уже более 17 лет занимается архитектурным проектированием, дизайном экстерьеров и интерьеров, ландшафтным дизайном, благоустройством территорий, а также услугами в сфере fee-девелопмента.  5000 успешных проектов, среди которых квартиры и частные дома, офисы и общественные пространства, магазины, клиники, салоны красоты, а также проекты жилых комплексов, бизнес-центров, торговых центров успешно выполнены компанией с 2007 года.

Компания реализовывала проекты не только в Узбекистане, но и в ОАЭ, России и других странах Европы и СНГ.

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